Peace & Calm Mom Coaching : December 2022

Ann Lukas created Peace and Calm Mom to help moms with parenting strategies (Biblical & science-based) and solutions for children with challenging behaviors (trauma, ADHD and anxiety). Ann has been involved with fostering and adoption for 12+ years which has led her to become a trauma-informed parent trainer, and to be certified as a trauma-based parent coach.

Ann believes in a compassionate, trauma-informed approach based on building safety and trust that leads to improved problem-solving and a lifetime of personal growth and success. She teaches a non-punitive, growth-focused method of supporting children and teens that promotes collaboration and connection rather than control and compliance. Ann partners with Winning at Home in Zeeland and offers parenting trainings and one-one coaching.

With the funds raised this month, The Dollar Difference provided scholarship funding to be used by Foster and Adoptive moms to receive one-on-one coaching with Ann. Parenting is hard, but parenting with trauma is next level. Foster/adoptive moms need all the training, support, prayers and encouragement they can get.

To learn more about Peace and Calm Mom, check out her contact info below:

Peace and Calm Mom Coaching

FB IG @peaceandcalmmomcoaching


Hope Packages : January 2023


Michigan Fosters : November 2022