Hope Packages : January 2023

After becoming a foster parent and learning that many children arrive to a foster home with little to no items, Lisa Hoeve and her family decided to help change this unfortunate situation by starting Hope Pkgs.

Since starting in 2015, they have served over 5,000 children in Michigan that have entered foster care by providing a new backpack containing new pajamas, socks, underwear, blankets, toiletries, and more!

Their 1st night bags do exactly what they say...assist kids with those first night needs when entering a foster family's home. The 1st night bags are not only helpful for the kids, but also can help the foster parents focus their attention on settling the child in for the night rather than running to the store to buy basic necessities.

With the funds collected this month, we were able to purchase 37 brand new diapers bags which will be filled with a new pair of pajamas, a blanket, a cuddly stuffed animal, a book, diapers, wipes, and other personal care items to help a baby entering foster care have the items they need for their first nights in a new home.

To learn more about Hope Pkgs, check out the link below for more info: https://linktr.ee/hopepkgs


Sparrow & Nest Designs : February 2023


Peace & Calm Mom Coaching : December 2022