Have a question? You’re in the right place!

  • Can we donate more than $1 a month?

    Nope! To stay true to our mission of many people giving just a little, we will not be accepting donations above $1/month from an individual. If you wish to give more, you can donate $1/month on behalf of individuals in your family, you can partner with us as a business sponsor, or you can donate directly to one of the organizations we have already supported.

  • Will my credit card be charged $1 every month then?

    No. To reduce the amount of credit card transaction fees, The Dollar Difference will be using the subscription based model where you will only donate once a year ($1/month x 12 months = $12 charged once annually). Your subscription will automatically renew each year (charging you $12/year) unless you opt out of future giving.

  • Who do the funds go to?

    Each month the Board of Directors will select one individual or organization to receive the funds that were raised from that month. The individual/organization is able to use the funds however they see fit to help move their mission forward.

  • Which organizations get support?

    The Dollar Difference will focus on supporting individuals and organizations in the West Michigan community who fall within our giving categories: adoption, fostercare and family preservation.

  • How can I apply for my organization to receive support?

    The heart of The Dollar Difference aims to support smaller, volunteer-based organizations and individuals, and priority will be given to those applicants.

    Would you like to nominate an organization/individual who is doing something amazing in our West Michigan community? Or would you like to nominate yourself or the organization you are involved with? If so, please complete the application for our Board of Directors to review.

    After completing the application above, the Board of Directors will review the application, and then reach out to you in regards to next steps.

  • What is the 'Kids Foster Change' initiative, and how can my kids get involved?

    Over the past 2 years, we have seen the price of family activities on the rise, and the financial difficulty this presents for foster families who often have additional children in their care. Because of this need, The Dollar Difference is starting an "Activity Pass Library" for Ottawa County (pilot group) foster families to utilize. We envision having multiple memberships & day passes to a variety of local activities that foster families can 'check out'. Example : Critter Barn, Holland Aquatic Center, Scrapyard Climbing, John Ball Zoo, etc.

    While considering ways to fund the program, our Board of Directors envisioned using a collaborative method similar to the heart of The Dollar Difference with a focus on including kids in the process…there is just something so beautiful that happens when kids are able to serve other kids in their community.

    ‘Kids Foster Change’ is an opportunity for Ottawa County youth to use their Summer break to do something impactful for foster youth in their community. To be a part of this initiative, kids simply commit to running a lemonade stand once during the Summer, and then donate the proceeds from their sale to The Dollar Difference to help purchase passes for the Activity Pass Library.

    Being a part of this initiative is super easy! Simply complete this form to get signed up, and to learn more!