Foster Family Dinner : September 2022

With the end of Summer and the start of the school year, family’s schedules tend to get busier as calendars fill up with school activities, sports and extra curricular activities. Getting dinner on the table can be a crazy time of the day for most families, but even more so with the addition of extra mouths to feed if the family has additional children in their care. This month we were hoping to ease the buden, atleast for one night, for some foster families in our community.

For the month of September, the Dollar Difference commmunity was able to nominate foster families that they know and love to be entered into a drawing with the chance to win dinner from the restaurant of their choice to be delivered to their home.

We drew 5 lucky winners at the end of the month, and throughout the month of October delivered the meals to them. The foster families were very appreciative of this gesture, and here are a few messages we received from them…

“THANK YOU so so much! My kids devoured everything and even had enough for leftovers the next day! What a gift!”

“This couldn’t have come at a better time as we are in such a busy season right now. Thank you so much! We love the work you all are doing!”

“It was delicious!!!!! We are too stuffed for the cookies right now, but are so excited for them too! Truly, thank you so much!”


Hope Unexpected : October 2022


Back to School Day : August 2022