Teen Foster Group : May 2024

With the month of May being National Foster Care month, it only seemed fitting for The Dollar Difference to support something very closely related to foster care this month. So, for the month of May, we supported the launch of a new group that will provide support to foster children ages 10-17 and their foster families.

Several members of the local foster care community -- social workers and nonprofit leaders -- realized the need for more intentional connection points for teens in care with other teens in care. This age group is often overlooked as many activities are geared towards younger children. This teen foster group will allow older foster children the opportunity to hang out together and build relationships with each other. The group is planning activities that will start this Summer and will give teens the opportunity to try new things and learn important life skills. This initiative hopes to include families in some of the activities as well to help build relationships between teen foster families.

We are excited to be a part of launching a new movement focused on building community for teens in foster care, and we pray that this group can be a blessing to the teens who are a part of it!


Samson's Barbershop : June 2024


Grace's Table : April 2024